Prayer for Church Unity

Father God,We pray for our city, Miami, in all her different faces, cultures, and races. We cry out to You to draw Your Church in Miami together across those divides. May we learn from each other to celebrate how differently beautiful you have created us. Let Your Church in Miami rise up together to show the nation how we can love each other and love all the people of this city the way that You do. Stir our hearts with compassion and joy for each other. Forgive us and heal us from bigotry, callousness, ignorance, selfishness and any other lie the Enemy would use to divide Your Church so that we may be able to lift and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and in turn, so Miami what Your Love looks like. Miami hungers for your Love. Forgive Your Church for not always living it out as we should. We fall at your feet and cry for cleansing, protection, and revival in this city to begin with us, Your Church.Amen and Amen

Miami, MiamiJohnComment